Friday, January 25, 2008


Here are the 12 basic rules for dog ownership:

1. Love, admire and respect your dog as your companion and as an individual
Your dog is a
wonderful, beautiful and intelligent member of thecanine species.
Be patient with him. Don't
hurt, abandon or ignore him. Get help before you
give up on him.

2. Consult your veterinarian about spraying or neutering your dog if you know
you will not
breed him. Neutering helps to control the severe pet population
problem, and also has health
benefits for male and female dogs.

3. Provide regular veterinary care for your dog. Annual vaccinations, checkups
and dental
exams are essential to good health.

4. Get a license, and place identification on your dog. In addition, you should
identify your dog
with a name tag, or computer chip in case he gets lost.

5. Feed your dog a balanced diet and provide fresh water at all times.

6. Train your dog to have good manners.

7. Keep your dog clean and groomed. Regular grooming keeps your dog looking
his best and
helps to detect and control skin parasites that could be spread to

8. Play with your dog at least 20 to 30 minutes a day. Avoid chase games, tug of
war and

9. Exercise your dog at least 30 minutes daily.

10. Provide your dog with a chance to socialize with people and other dogs. Do not
leave him
cooped up in the house or yard-it leads to barking and aggressive

11. Understand and obey local leash laws.

12. Always clean up after your dog pass stools in public places


Dogs are attentive, loyal and understanding friends to their owners. But owning a dog means taking responsibility for him. So be very carefully to ensure that you and your dog stay out stay out of trouble.

Society establishes certain laws in regards to caring for dogs, and these differ depending on where you live.

But there are some general rules that are worth bearing in mind that is:
Dogs must be walked only on a collar and leash. If your dog bites someone, the responsibility rests with you. The same applies when a dog damages property.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


Dogs are the men’s best friend!! Do you know that dogs ownership have a beneficial effect on family harmony?? Research have shown that a lot of families spends a lot of their time interacting after the acquisition of a dog. Dogs provides a focus for fun; activities and also friendly conversation.

Dogs companionship also provides relaxation and relief from stress and it is beneficial in term of health. Dogs owners have a decreased risk of heart diseases; fewer minor illnesses and complaints. Moreover dogs owners tends to visit the doctor less often than whose who do not own dogs.

To own a dog can be a delightful experience for the family. Children often learn to interact with and take responsibility for the health and well-being of their dog. While the ownership of a dog may have enormous benefits for the children, the parents need to teach the children on how to behave around with the dogs so that they can have a safe and enjoyable relationship

Dogs experts also agree that careful obedience training can give your dog a happier and healthier life. As such, in the future I will try to provide the readers with some video clips on dog training.


DOG-carnivorous mammal of the family of the family Canidae. The wild dog, usually with long legs, long muzzle, and bushy tail, lives by chasing its prey. Many live in packs. Wild dogs include the raccoon dog of Asia and several South American forms, such as the bush dog and the maned wolf. Dog are strong, fast mammals that usually have furry coats and long muzzles and they have powerful teeth and jaws. Dogs are hunters and scavengers but they have weak eyes and rely on their hearing and strong sense of smell. Dogs were the first animals to be tamed by humans, and they have lived and worked with people for thousands of years. The dog family includes foxes, coyotes, and jackals.

Domestic dogs are members of the species Canis familiaris. There are more than 200 known breeds of highly variable appearance, classified as sporting dogs, nonsporting dogs, working dogs, toy dogs, hounds, and terriers. The dog is an invaluable servant to humans-it can hunt, lead the blind, and transport. Female dogs have between one and twelve puppies at a time. For the first few days pf their lives, the puppies feed on their mother’s milk. As they get older, their mother feeds them meat which she has chewed to make it easier to swallow.

Wolves are the largest members of the dog family. They are the ancestors of the dogs people keep as pets. Wolves used to be very common, but now they live only in parts of Europe, Asia, and the North America that are far way from people. Wolves often howl to warn others that they are nearby. Red foxes are found all around the world. They live on mountains, in the deserts, and even in cities. They eat small animals and birds, or scavenge in garbage cans. Foxes only live in family groups while their young are growing up. At other times, they live alone or in pairs.

Many of today’s pet, or domestic, dogs look very different from wolves, often because people bred them to do special jobs. Terriers are small because they were bred to hunt animals in their underground burrow. Greyhounds are light and fast, for hunting rabbits. Some dogs also do useful work for people. Sheepdogs help shepherds to round up large flocks of sheep and on the r other hand guide dogs help blind people to find their way around. Husky dogs work as a team. They can pull heavy sledges over snow.

The smallest dog is a Chihuahua. It is only 5 inches tall from its paw to its shoulders. That's about as hogh as a tin can!!


Dogsworld4u is a blog for lovers of dogs. Here readers will be able to view beautiful photos and video clips of dogs all over the world. They will also be able to access to tips on how to take care of their dogs; dogs food and dogs training.

I love dogs and specially collect the nice, beautiful photos and video clips and categorize them for your appreciation of these dogs. Enjoy my ultimate collections of dogs photos video clips. Photos posted on this blog will be of high resolution quality.

I have found great joy in selecting the most beautiful photos and video clips for my personal use. After collecting them for years, I have now the opportunity to share them with others, who will find enjoyment and pleasure in viewing at them. All the video clips and photos are either my own photos or I have the permission from the photographers or website as well. I have done everything in my powers to ensure that the video clips and photos on display are free for your personal non-commercial use only. If by accident I have placed a video clip or photo of yours which you do not want on my blog, or in the case that there are images and video clips which are unintentionally used and I do not know that they are infringing on your copyright, kindly notify me via email at and we can see how to resolve the issue.

To see an enlarged version of a photo, simply click on the photo of your choice.

Enjoy my collections and use Mozilla FireFox Browser for better browsing. Free download given below.

Everybody are welcome to my blog and readers are encourage to give comments. Any readers who wish to contribute their pet’s photo for the writer reviews and write up can sent them to me at Kindly state the owner’s and pet’s name and also the age of the dog.

Welcome on board everybody out there!!!